Behavior in the library – Our regulations

The use of the library has strongly increased over the past years. Consequently, it is quite lively at times. This makes following certains basic regulations even more important so that working in a concentrated way is still possible and the library stays an attractive place for studying for all patrons.

Our regulations in detail (up to date: June-28 2022):

Eating and drinking

It is not permitted to bring food into the library. The only beverage, we allow you to take into the library is water; we need to ask you not to bring any other beverages. The library cafeteria is situated in the BZ building outside the library, but it isn’t far away and is open on all days, except Saturdays and Sundays.

Jackets and coats

If you don’t want to burden yourself with a jacket or a coat in the library, you are welcome to deposit your bags in the cloakroom in the corridor in front of the library or you can use the lockers there, especially when it’s raining outside. If you prefer not to take off your jacket or take it into the library in your bag, we permit you to do this. Please don’t block or reserve other workstations with your jacket or your coat.


You can use the green baskets inside the library to transport personal belongings and books. It is not permitted to take the baskets outside the library!


Computer workstations

You are welcome to set up your laptop at the workstations equipped with one of our computers. Please make sure that you don’t spread your material to more than one workstation and don’t change anything about the existing computer workstation. Please also don’t unplug the library computers in order to charge your laptop or work with the power supply. Please use the designated sockets for charging.


We provide baskets in which you can transport books and other items. You are welcome to deposit your bags in the cloakroom or put them in a locker. If you’d like to take books, notepads and other items into the library in your bag, we permit you to do so. Please place your bags and baskets in a manner that doesn’t block or reserve other workstations.

Telephone calls

Part of our regulations is the absolute ban on phone calls in all our departmental libraries, the reading rooms and in the area of the main information desk as well as in the toilet areas. We understand that sometimes phone calls are unavoidable and therefore allow them at an appropriate volume in the staircase and in the library’s entrance area. Out of consideration for others, please set your mobile phone’s ringtone volume to silent.


Even if it is tempting when the weather is nice – it is strictly prohibited to enter all terraces for safety reasons, not even for a short time.