ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)

Academic identity management may seem time-consuming as author profiles have to be continuously maintained and updated. ORCID tries to minimize the effort of your publication management.

The ORCID iD is a unique identifier for researchers. This author identification can be compared to the digital object identifier (DOI) which is a numeric code for publications. The DOI is a persistent identifier standardized by the ISO and very common in academic publication processes. ORCID is open, non-commercial as well as cross-platform and guarantees a unique correlation between a person and their academic output.

You have complete control. All specifications of the ORCID record are self-manageable concerning the visibility except your name and the ORCID iD itself – both are always public. ORCID ensures better networking and saves you a lot of time and work.

The advantages at a glance:

  • Unique identification and allocation of publications
  • Disambiguation of personal names in the case of homonymy and/or name change as well as different spellings
  • Overall appearance of contributions of one researcher independent of employment
  • Curriculum vitae in digital form
  • Integration into manuscript services (Nature, Springer, PLOS, IEEE, Wiley etc.)
  • Funding: Use your ORCID iD for applications and reports for resarch funding or external fund-raising organizations. This means considerably less work for you as you can grant funders access to your profile and your documented research work.
  • Current lists of publications: `Trusted parties´ such as DataCite and Crossref offer the service to automatically enter your publication in your ORCID profile.

Another interesting side effect: Use your ORCID iD for scientific communication for example when you register for conferences or refer to your ORCID iD instead of giving elaborate information about your scientific career.

Meanwhile ORCID has become a de facto standard. The position paper Autorenidentifikation anhand der Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) published by the DINI (Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation) describes and reflects different aspects of ORCID.